INDONESIAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW – Prof. Dr. Saldi Isra, S.H., Pan Mohamad Faiz


, , Product ID: 31618


Indonesia’s hastily designed 1945 Constitution was supposed to be temporary. Yet the nation’s first two presidents, Soekarno and Soeharto, used it as a basis for holding power for much of the country’s first half-century of independence. When the 1945 Constitution was finally reformed and expanded through a series of amendments over 1999—2002, it ushered in asignificantly different state administrative system and practice. However, the amendments have not resolved all problems in Indonesia’s political and legal System.

Drawing on their wealth of knowledge and experience, Saldi Isra and Pan Mohammad Faiz, two of Indonesia’s leading constitutional law experts, shedlight on the challenges and developments of Indonesian constitutional law inthe post-amendment era. Taking readers behind the conflicts and controversies, they also offer suggestions on how the nation’s constitutionalrights and functions can be improved.

This book is essential reading for academics, scholars and “Indonesianists’desirous of broadening their knowledge of Indonesian constitutional law.

  • Penulis: Prof. Dr. Saldi Isra, S.H., Pan Mohamad Faiz
  • ISBN: 978-623-372-048-9
  • Halaman: 248
  • Ukuran: 15 x 23 cm
  • Terbit: Cetakan 1, Tahun 2021.


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